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I've beginning to see a new direction in life...
where I leave and never look back. I dreamt of two funerals on a same night. Never knewwho and why But the books of dreams spoke through my mind with that high level of stress I've obtained it's a sign for me to let go and the past and move on I'm ready.... so here we go.... goodbye blogspot hello xanga the new home
EDITED I thank you for the bottom of my heart....Baybee, Scribbles, Razzel, My family, Ange, Chloe, Sean, Candice, Michelle, Bao, Lulu, Audrey (sweet of you to msg from Torondo), Aaron, Cern, Nicky, Sylvia, Amran, Jeanette Cherry, Shikin, Becky, Egeria, Rosa Joey's daddy, Kristine Randy, Fel my bitch, Al, Sumi Thanks for the thoughtful birthday wishes. (Pictures up soon!) Love... me
![]() says Hugh Grant and the adorable Drew Barrymore The movie is an excellent escape for a monday! with yours truly and baybee plus ange and sean Once in a live time seeing us actually catching a movie on a monday night in town Truly amazing! My parents are back in town today Despite spending special 6 days with baybee I miss my hommies dearly! It's a week holiday... means rest my whole mental system before it all begins again. 2 days to the big 24 aint looking forward to anything I'm down with the flu bug.. What's new geting sick when the birthday comes. Till then, waiting for photos photos photos..
*bleaH* What's next?
The new year holidays ended with a flash. Not any happier, but sicker. Despite the reasonable amount collected this year, I send new year greetings to the doctor this morning. With a bad stomach flu this new year what can be good. Was browsing through the 4D numbers last night... and how lucky that baybee and I missed 3 sets of numbers. With my lucky number being 3 and baybee's 9. Let's cross and fingers and hope for this weekend. I'm stuck here at home finsihing my 5 assighments due next Friday while my little ones are fast asleep. It's no wonder how fat they are now. Their daddy's off at work, sounds like a typical solebread winner! Was listening through Jappo music sponsered by Randy, Thanks... sounded weird yet it kinda nearly put me off guard my work! *P/s: If u're single and avaliable, I can match make u with Randy* Anyway, thanks for the conversation last night, yes yes... I will find you a chick when I actually find one for u! I'm in such temptation to watc dvd now! But I've been neglecting my work that it's killing my last minute brain cells. Plus, additional load of driving! This year's gonna be great! So well, hopefully I get time off to upload those pictures.. Happy Thursday!!!!
GONG XI GONG XI Having a major rush with the new year and coming due assigments! I've only managed to pull through two events of shutterbugs. Weddings and birthdays coming up soon!!!! and of course.. a little peek into my birthday gifts! *Winks!* Happy new year ![]() ![]()
Greetings to all! Many apologizes for the lack of commitment to this blog especially after the new year. 2007 is a busy busy time for me. I've been stuffed up with work and school, it's no wonder how many can juggle the two perfectly! Well, school's been great. Too many thesis arguments, drama lessons and too many books to cope with! Thanks to baybee's neverending support and TLC, it all goes well without a doubt. A big promise that photos will come soon, very soon... from lil chill out sessions, cousin's wedding, to farewells to Audrey and Serene and last of all the recent event close to my heart, my dearie sister's wedding that happened last Saturday. Phew, what events that moved along these two months. And of course, no surprise that Valentine's day, Chinese New year's coming and yours March as part of my birthday celebration. For the rest of the events, we'll take it as it comes. I'm really happy that baybee's pretty much settled in her job especially when it's so so cloze to me! An inspiring graphic designer that I truly love! A litle update that Scribbles and Razzel are doing great. Scribbles' having her first period, super duper manja with baybee and myself that is. As for Razzel, still the naughty baybee in our eyes. Back to the television set while baybee makes her way back home! The two little ones are barking for my attention!!! Photos up soon!!!
+*In Perfect SiLence*+
+*In another Merryland*!+
+*HeLLo STrAngER*!+
+*New piX uploaDED*!+
Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..
+*Weren't they just memories?*!+