Friday, September 29, 2006

It seems that blogging that begun a weekly ritual
The time each week seems short and short
and of course the lack of energy that draining me out.
This wole week was filled with events that can make one
either smile, be furious, tired or simply bored.
Take an example of an incident of the bag of coins
for another unreasonable individual
that baybee and I simply won't understand her logic and her personality.
Please please, before u treat the minds of other individuals
look at your own pyscho path.
Your actions = Classic.
As agreed by even another indidual.
We can never forget that bag of coins
Mood now: furious yet coins make us laugh
Second incident: I've been to two of my orientation
and boy boy, having the dirctor speak makes Lala even more sleepy
especially on a Friday night
Mood now: Drained out and bored
Meeting up with bayee's ex collegues was interesting
enjoyed hanging out after the ahrd's day of work
Plus! I'm spending my whole weekend with baybee and the dogs
picking Larissa up from airport today
of course Chloe's little party on Sunday!
I'm off on Monday! Perfect simply perfect.
Till then,
I miss my dancing chick, candy gurlie, bao bao!
Tag me tag me! Where are all of you!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 6:32 PM*

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I'm spending a quiet Saturday withMy darlin little ones
while my recent photos aren't coming in anytime soon from Chloe
I thought I left you guys a little something to amuse you this weekend..
*My little ones*

I've been officially piled up with a whole text book to read
2 assignments to hand in before my next class
I'm DEAD. I forgot the meaning of reading textbooks
Baybee's TLC would make Lala feel all better!
Update soon with baybee's birthday pics @Whynot.
Luff luff!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:42 AM*

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm recovering from a terrible cough that comes and goes as it likes
Seems like cough germs simply enjoy domineering the vitamins that I consumed.
I'm bracing through another week of mad lesson plans: planning planning planning
I prefer the last minute rush that pushes my brain to think in a faster speed.
In fact, despite the recent 'unfortunate events' that happened recently,
I looked upon the cheerful msg by my dancing chick that:
"Tomorrow would be a better day".
Especially when you're going off to Europe right?! *bleah*
A suprise msg came through msg came thru last night!
And I'm so so glad you msged!
I can't wait to see you bitch! *winks*
Another 2 days of mild torture and HELLO weekends
Joey's birthday celebration @Whynot on Friday
It's a JD party *you would know what I mean*
Aim: Get my baybee dRUNK! *quoted from BAO*
Saturday would be quiet and peaceful with the dogs
(With brownies and treats for Scribbles and Razzel wearing party hats!)
Ok, think I shan't look too far.
Waking up darn early at 6am aint my favourite time of the day
P/S: Hady's the next Singapore Idol,
I hate that Poser Leong fellow
(Aren't they all?)
I love what the bitch said last night about you.
My laughing stock, my amusement
Oh, why am I not surprise.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:57 PM*

Monday, September 11, 2006

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:16 PM*

I hate geography from the very beginning I got my first text book in Sec 1.
The forest, and world earth and whatsoever just kill my brain cells in an instant.
I always had a better mindset in history, despite ending up in the arts stream..
and where do you find me studying geography? on my bed.
First day back at work took almost my energy for the day within 3 hours
I could barely tahan, bones breaking, mind stoning.
I felt disorganised, something was wrong.
What made me worry more was the fact that Razzel was acting 'weirdly'
7th month (A temple near baybee's place is on renovation) -
If you know what I mean and although we have put mother mary's pendent
on the both dogs, somehow it someway... 'it' comes to visit baybee's place.
No matter how freaky it might sound, I'm more worried for the dogs rather than myself.
I have such great urge to bring them to church and get the priest to bless them, baybee and me. I myself have not have a comfortable night for almost three weeks, I sleep with a rosary but i do wake up every instant moment I felt a heavy weighing feel in my chest (which means someone's around). I wish the 7th month would fly by soon, it never felt this way before.
On a brighter note, in 6 days, my dearest baybee would be turning 22.
A birthday gathering held at Whynot on Friday, boy! Can't I wait!
Who knows what would happen to the birthday girl... *ahem ahem*
The week after next, I'm coped up with work all day.
From science centre, phototaking, zoo trip, k2 talk, children's day celebration, my orientation for my bach course. Time oh time.. I hate time...
Can I kill time without knowing what is time?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:19 PM*

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Snow Patrol-Chasing Cars

I am beginning to fear the word 'time', where we do not often realise the importance and speed of it. I'm rushing through my theme web for next month, last minute work seems to make my brain cells work a little faster than usual. I spent my day at baybee's, relaxing practically the whole day with the dogs. I need that peace, away from all the thinking and stressing. Destress is my weekend slogan. Baybee and I were just browsing through pictures of Scribbles and Razzel, and pondered upon the fact that 'they grow so so fast'. And wondering how the name Razzel came up? Go watch 13 going on 30, you might figure it out. I managed to catch singapore idol just now, and my my how awful Johnathan Leong sang our favorite songs. All these leong people, spare our moods and ears.
A terrible sight... and that leong singer is a bad insult to snow patrol for singing their song.
I'm off to another round at John little's sale at Expo later today. Need to get my butt's off this chair and sleep early for once cause baybee's picking me at 8.45am.

love me.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 1:58 AM*

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Let's waste time

Chasing cars

Around our heads

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 6:18 PM*

Friday, September 08, 2006

I got a little bored
Quiz would fill my time
My thursday and friday were spent at Expo
Bags were full!
From book fair to John Little fair
What is next?
Too much shopping: 10 story books, 2 bags,
2 footwears, 15 in total (of underwear and bras!),
3 boardshorts and 2 sets of bed sheets
Yes, baybee and I nearly went mad!
with at least 5 big huge bags
and before all this, we were at I.T fair last week
NO more Expo for me please?!
P/S: my loan has finally been finalize
Counting down once more....
my next whole term gonna get SUPER BUSY
Next Friday's baybee's early birthday bash at 'Whynot' and of couse a little party with the partyhats and the little ones @home.
I can't wait!
Lala's outta here!
I have a date with baybee and the little ones *tomorrow*
love, me

Your Love Style is Agape

You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.

Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.

You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.

Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.

For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.

You Should Rule Saturn

Saturn is a mysterious planet that can rarely be seen with the naked eye.

You are perfect to rule Saturn because like its rings, you don't always follow the rules of nature.

And like Saturn, to really be able to understand you, someone delve beyond your appearance.

You are not an easy person to befriend. However, once you enter a friendship, you'll be a friend for life.

You think slowly but deeply. You only gain great understanding after a situation has past.

Your Passion is Purple

Sophisticated and classy, you're a bit picky about sex.

You're more likely to be turned on by a fancy hotel room than a dirty flick.

Sex is fine enough, as long as it doesn't mess up your hair.

For you, sex is more about power and favors than actually pleasure.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:32 PM*

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I hate the fact that it's already the wee hours of a Thursday morning
and in fact I'm left with 4 days to catch up with my work for the next term.
I'm dreading the hours of feeling wide awake
at 3.28am to be exact with ramblings of nothing much.

I was supposedly to be at zouk tonight, but plans changed.
So baybee and I had spent a very quiet night, with Harry Potter Dvds,
monopoly, our little ones, aircon and hungry tummies to breeze the hours away.

I had a little chat with a gf of mine of people who awfully 'think too much themselves', how promises are words, how characters are seen through actions and not how u want people to see them. You might think this is how you want people to see you, but otherwise, would people be on that right track of your 'desired' individual. It's funny how people concluded that one needs another to satisfy the ego in one and taking control in moulding that desired 'so called perfect self.
- heard so many conclusions, they all said the same.
Thanks Fel, it was funny concluding how those people.
Anyway, photos of my gf's tatoo up soon! I've lost in the the piles of files of pictures!

P/s: my babies are great, growing fast!!!! yet, very very naughty!
*like the mummy and daddy*

I have a terrible craving for 85's noodles and chicken wings. This is bad!
It's 3.37! What the hell am I thinking....
Baybee's already asleep and I'm terribly hungry with no dinner tonight!
A need to sleep without grumbling!!!
I miss my baybee and my little ones...

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 3:44 AM*

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:15 AM*

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:08 AM*

Friday, September 01, 2006

1st September where gifts filled bags, wishes pour in
a day I often find myself reorganising my worth as a teacher.
3 years in this line, with good and memories
aspires me to move higher to a more professional educator
setting my goals and dertermination from a different basis
and of course filling my experience files while I can
Why I chose this line?
Don't bother asking.
The occupational hazzard struck me hard one year in NP
and I made my decision to stay on this line.
I am glad of the gifts that I received this year
with all different shapes and sizes
I tugged back 2 whole big bags home, and still counting
The cards were the emotional words that touched me
of how special a teacher would be in the eyes of a child
Despite the many scoldings, punishments that are set upon them
They forgive and love you the same.
That's the best thing of being in this line
Your clients are the children
The many disputes, disageements, anger you or the children feel
The next day would be forgiven with great smiles
and a new moment with them.
I love my job and being one special individual in their lives
Happy teachers day to one and all...
You're super duper SPECIAL today

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:27 AM*

+*In Perfect SiLence*+

The beautifuL letdoWN
B'dae:15th MarCh 83
Sending the mails:


It's an irony to live and think
groving ipod, martinis,art of prOcrAstiNating
shutterbugs, rainbows, clouds and dragonflies
I bite, I snuggle, I dream

+*In another Merryland*!+

My old Ramblings
Dancing Chick
Xiao Bao
honeY bitcH feL

+*HeLLo STrAngER*!+

+*New piX uploaDED*!+


Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..

+*Weren't they just memories?*!+

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