Thursday, February 22, 2007

The new year holidays ended with a flash.
Not any happier, but sicker.
Despite the reasonable amount collected this year,
I send new year greetings to the doctor this morning.
With a bad stomach flu this new year
what can be good.
Was browsing through the 4D numbers last night...
and how lucky that baybee and I missed 3 sets of numbers.
With my lucky number being 3 and baybee's 9.
Let's cross and fingers and hope for this weekend.
I'm stuck here at home finsihing my 5 assighments due next Friday
while my little ones are fast asleep.
It's no wonder how fat they are now.
Their daddy's off at work, sounds like a typical solebread winner!
Was listening through Jappo music sponsered by Randy,
Thanks... sounded weird yet it kinda nearly put me off guard my work!
*P/s: If u're single and avaliable, I can match make u with Randy*
Anyway, thanks for the conversation last night, yes yes...
I will find you a chick when I actually find one for u!
I'm in such temptation to watc dvd now!
But I've been neglecting my work that it's killing my last minute brain cells.
Plus, additional load of driving! This year's gonna be great!
So well, hopefully I get time off to upload those pictures..
Happy Thursday!!!!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:07 AM*

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Having a major rush with the new year and coming due assigments!
I've only managed to pull through two events of shutterbugs.
Weddings and birthdays coming up soon!!!!
and of course.. a little peek into my birthday gifts!
Happy new year

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 1:55 PM*

+*In Perfect SiLence*+

The beautifuL letdoWN
B'dae:15th MarCh 83
Sending the mails:


It's an irony to live and think
groving ipod, martinis,art of prOcrAstiNating
shutterbugs, rainbows, clouds and dragonflies
I bite, I snuggle, I dream

+*In another Merryland*!+

My old Ramblings
Dancing Chick
Xiao Bao
honeY bitcH feL

+*HeLLo STrAngER*!+

+*New piX uploaDED*!+


Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..

+*Weren't they just memories?*!+

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