Tuesday, May 30, 2006

till then...

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 2:23 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 1:28 PM*

She used to look at you in a different angles
her inspirations, her strength, her knowledge, you
looking upon her tears that shed
were they all worth all this denial of pure discouragement
She find it hard to talk, breathe or even look
it's too hard now
patience and acceptance were her virtues
not anymore not with you
exhusted that she could no longer find comfort and support
She flew far, just to keep her from falling too hard again
Maybe she should have spoke, maybe it's too late now
She could understand the meaning of 'demoralised'
How could one make it all better once more
imperfection was who you saw she was
imperfection was who you made her to see
imperfection was all she could feel
How touch could never heal
How words could never hear
She was left to stand and not fall
sit and not walk away
But she chose.....
to walk away in tears
and never looking up once again

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 1:05 AM*

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Staying AWAKE for 20 hours is absolutely not a joke
with the fact that one had hardly ever slept the night before
The clothes stinked, legs ached, dry eyes
Even though one loved the last day of school, one hated it too

Thank goodness...

that one day of 26th May is finally over
one's officially on my holidays!
just in time for GREAT S'PORE SALE
such good timing right!

One's thankful for the many patience and encouragements
a love have given
despite the many days one had been on a grumpy mood
love still gave that neverending love
To love, with love

Planning the next few days aint that bad
I'm craving for a martini, chill out music
hazelnut latte, shutterbugs, a good massage,
a non stop shopping spree and a hug from love!

And I hope...

It begins with a lil chill out with the peeps tonight
A nice beach birthday for couzzin dommy on sunday
A home visit to kiddo's home on monday and tuesday
Clubbing @thumper on tuesday
A late revamping of my room from Tuesday to Friday
and not forgetting my evaluation reports
Weekends reserved for my love and peeps

In 12 days...


oh! I'm beginning to love holidays!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:25 AM*

Friday, May 26, 2006


I'm Screwed

I want my baby!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:07 AM*

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm rambling here at the stroke of 6.
The wee hours of the morning has once been visited again
not because I'm in such mood of staying up
But waking up especially at 4.30am just to complete some left over work.

I hate last minute work
makes one feel so disorganised
but it's ironic, cause I work better and faster
I'm only a quarter done, and headline's on Friday
Dance tunes makes tired bodies more alive

I'm exhausted, with hardly any oxygen for my brain
my nose's been blocked for ages
that baybee say I'm utterly DEAF
A zip on my forehead aint making it any better either.

Looking at my desk, I can hardly explain
I wonder how I can ever pack or find my things
This June, I'm packing and revamping my little sty
with the aid of Singapore Sale!
I'm glad they invented a place called ikea

And so, I hardly slept but the panadol did wonders
I would know I'll be sleepy like a pig @work later
But I'm trying hard to open my darn eyes just for breakkie with my love
"Come one Avril!, get your ass off and bath soon!!!"

Counting down I'm off in 15 days
and never coming back, who knows
Well, a last chance to see yours truly
Thumper @6 June 2006
Any takers?

6.06am and I'm beginning to fall back to my dream
Had a dream just now that I always longed for
Simple, comfort, bliss and just nice
It wasn't too drama or a hassle

And I better get my ass off for my bath!
Breakkie with baybee always makes my morning!
and hoepfully, just hopefully
I last this very day!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 6:10 AM*

Monday, May 22, 2006

So little time... too much martini

I thought I saw the day was Friday despite the fast pace weekend
I woke up with a spinning headache. I figured.
Two nights in a row of martinis
How much is going through my head now?
I'm feeling a little sick
not because I know that it's Monday
but I never do know why
my throat's beginning to swell, my body's aching
my mind's fucking up!
Someone please tell me why
imperfection plays a big role to such anger
as the heart would speak
I felt that imperfection once more this week
it didn't feel good, it never did
Another incident made me think twice about my worth
how far would I be wanted?
Loss, questions, doubts and emptiness
I know I could have done better if I was given a chance once more
To add a lil discipline in my life
I re- registered my application to the uni
and accepted my loss of money in not giving tuition anymore
Looking back on 23 years of my life, I have to do something for myself
I feel sick and pukey. But I need to go on
one more week for the busy schedule to end
and I'm off to Aussie.
I can't wait baybee... you know I can't.
We've been so uptight and busy with our work
it kills not having enough time each day
I'm sorry for being a lil nag
or rather.....
screaming at myself
I pray it would be a better week ahead
Lala's needs a hug

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:07 AM*

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:10 PM*

The flights been booked
Anxious and excited!
3 destinations in all makes Lala happy
First stop: Baybee's home sweet home
Next stop: A long awaited visit to my bestie's Egeria!
and last of all..
Sydney: Our dream
As many mentioned it "pre-honeymoon"
I would gladly agree
We deserve it baby!
for working too darn hard these days!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:11 PM*

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Brithday Mama
with loving kisses from down below
know that u're watching us from above
Remembering the old times at Macpherson
where life seems such a bliss
carefree and happy
I miss your cooking
your room, your smiles, your laughters
How you often made food to suit our difference indvidual tastebuds
and it's only especially for your grandchildren
As we cleaned her niche and put new flowers
there's never a time I looked at her picture without a tear
My heart's crying for the loss of my beloved
we often speak of how we wished she was here
right here, right now
My grandma, my love
U're truly missed
and always loved with the greatest love and memories
we share in this lifetime
Happy birthday once again
U'll be 89 today

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:23 PM*

Saturday, May 13, 2006

R - Roads, lost roads.
O - Oh! look baybee.. Oh! They have Mango?
A - Ashlee's Simpson's L>O>V>E jukebox's singing
D - Drive with an attidue, drive with UTURNs
T - The malaysia workers @Joey's... working late till 11pm.
R- Road trip to KL? *Joey screams!! "NO!!! Where's the U turn?"
I - I had Ben's and Jerry's for breakkie with Candice and Ange
P - Plazas' hopping! We conquered JB! NO A&W?
S - Shopping Dvds! Too many to count! We went MAD!


I'm beginning to lurve little road trips
I love the cap and the skirt I bought
NO heels nor shoes...
the dvds were good enough to make up for the loss
I am offically an owner of all the seasons of OC!
and of course....
many more
Pictures up soon! Heading out with baybee soon
Be back tonight!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 3:37 PM*

Thursday, May 11, 2006

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:50 AM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:39 AM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:24 AM*

Sunday, May 07, 2006

What a polling weekend
with over 50 plus shutterbuggies over just 3 days
It's no wonder why my pc's outta space!
*pictures will be up soon, I promise*
Friday's red birthday for the babe-o
Saturday's NON stop shopping spree @Far East
Sunday LAZE and DAZE with baybee
Lala's happy and contended!
Looking forward to this coming Friday's holidae
when Baybee and I would drive up to Malaysia!
I can't wait!
For now
Mon, Tue, Wed - Tuition
Thursday - Rest!
Friday - Lil trip across the causeway
Saturday - Rest!
Sunday - Mummy's special day and my loved late grandma's birthday
Oh! I need my sleep now!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:33 PM*

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I can't wait

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:56 PM*

Monday, May 01, 2006

The hours never felt so long
The Tim sum never felt so yummy
The rain never felt so good
The car never felt so clean
The slippers never felt so comfory
The day never felt so loved
Finally a day off with love
Nothing beats this, more than anything else
but you

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:55 PM*

+*In Perfect SiLence*+

The beautifuL letdoWN
B'dae:15th MarCh 83
MSN: mzimpeRfect@hotmail.com
Sending the mails: avrilraeanne@gmail.com


It's an irony to live and think
groving ipod, martinis,art of prOcrAstiNating
shutterbugs, rainbows, clouds and dragonflies
I bite, I snuggle, I dream

+*In another Merryland*!+

My old Ramblings
Dancing Chick
Xiao Bao
honeY bitcH feL

+*HeLLo STrAngER*!+

+*New piX uploaDED*!+


Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..

+*Weren't they just memories?*!+

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