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![]() XOXO the shopping kakis resume the shopping trip on Saturday Destination: Far East Motive: Part 2 on a Polling day while the country votes, we shop
*Lala's burnt from the sun* Pancakes! Pancakes! Yummy Pancakes! Flip and Toss! Prata looking pancakes! Nevertheless! We had YUMMY pancakes! Train ride to Outram HealthZone here we come! The heat is on, hot hot sun as we walk!! Thank goodness for my Dri-fit arsenal cap I bought absorbs all that burning my head! and of course, the stares I got on the train with a compliment i got from this middle age guy "Nice cap, you an arsenal fan?' I smiled; "yeah" He replied: "Good, can't find many of your kind" I smiled, while my boss looked and smiled at me. Not forgetting, Corny jokes from my kid on a train ride Corny joke one: "Teacher Avril, you know? If you catch a falling star and put it in the fridge You'll get star fruit!" Corny joke two from another kid: "You know, Zac (who cannot pronounce Paya Lebah and who came up from the starfruit joke) said that if you take a train to Paya lebah station and you alight at papaya station, you get papaya" Conclusion: *Teacher Avril's speechless face* What! I smiled! "I love my job", as I thought to myself "what a corny boy I have!" Yes! I'm a self proclaimed L word addict that I can watch the series over and over again Despite the third season, I rekindle my love for this show once again by watching the first season for the errr... 5th or 6th time while waiting for my baybee to get home! And as baybee walkes through the room door she sees her gal sound asleep while the dvd plays on 'What! you and your L word!' While waiting for peeps to confirm my awfully good plan with Candice managed to get Bao bao change her last min cancelling plans on us! Well, had a late dinner and a NTUC shopping for drinks while our Sophia managed to get through those shopping bags She deserves her utterly day off at orchard baybee! Kidding Ange... we still lurve ya! BING, BANG, BOOM Blackjack I never .... tell the truth game 'Drink, you drink!' went the night! too much Chivas, Vodka, Bacardi Gold and Ribenna Plus Ange and my obsession to curl the hairs of the other peeps with the new toy curler I bought! Haha! It was a night, despite the tired eyes, tired minds a wholesome laughter BING, BANG, BOOM how we do like the Singapore pledge action! I'm richer thanks to the government Goodbye to my bestie who's off on a plane "I MISS U!" My pay's in for a treat Long weekend's here Shopping with baybee as we plan! I'm craving for Tim sum! and I'm craving for you, my love Winks! I'm outta here!
Having medication still running through the blood aint such a good sign of a good day Thanks for my baybee dearest for taking care of me these 2 days! *best sunggles* *bringing me to the doctor* *rushing home from work* *rubbing vicks and powder despite the smell!* *cooking dinner with me* *tugging me in bed* *buying chocolates* *massages me despite the back aches* *running all the way downstairs, just to get green tea for me* and of course... showing her tender loving kisses! My flu is ALMOST gone! but looking at the dizzy spells I had today they made Lala not much a happy gurl. Bad flu! Shoo flu! And so I'm back at work from the 2 days MC after all that showered love My dizzy spells managed to get me through the hours and at 4.30pm... Lala: 'Hey baby, I end work already. Taking a train. What you want for dinner?' Joey: 'Okay, anything baby!' Making my way down to Tampines aint such a good idea in the rain *sneeze* and *sniffs* Despite the umbrella, I still caught the chill! Walked around for a lil shopping trip *hoping to feel better from the flu* Looking at the clock 5pm, I called... LaLa: 'Hey baby, would you happen to pass TM to pick me up?' Babyee: ' Sure baby, but what you going to do?' Lala: 'Errr.. shop?' Hehe! Another excuse cure for flu. So Lala hunts for a belt for baybee, saw many ah pei shirts and nothing for herself! How RARE is that! But despite the so called WINDOW shopping. I mananged to hunt down my LEVI's that cost $149.90, which my baybee wants to buy for me! Natural instinct: "NO!" Plus, 2 skirts from esprit and a watch from Fossil. Ashamed that I'm already an owner of 2 fossil watches and a starck. I think I skip that buy! *bleh* Save money for my sydney trip! Sale sale sale! Counting down, which is a month or so which we FLY!! Yipeeee! and not forgetting, I'm eyeing on a dress. Baybee and I are looking forward to end of the month, where pay comes, govt donates money to the poor bank accounts, bills need to be settled, money need to be put aside and shopping bags need to be filled, our shopping bags although, I already have 2 new jackets for my trip. I think I've gained an obsession for jackets! Been eyeing on another Adidas! Shit! get me outta here! Alright, enough shopping indulgence which I'll gladly pass I can't wait for the peeps meet up drinking session on Friday! It's been a while, ever since baybee's last birthday. Dice, drinks, dice... oooohh..... that dice of sex *where baybee and bao can rekindle that night!* winks! Nothing bad, *no sex* for the lack of understanding readers. 10.55pm. I must be off! Meeting baybee for a train ride while we set off to work! Good night! Can't wait to see my love!
![]() Pardon my loss of dates! The post was meant to be 22nd and not 23rd! Back to the sleeping nights where I simply dislike it really disrupts my routine and my energy to do my work Maybe the martini made me more awake which I find it hard to comprehend that logic I'm tired, it feels like working the whole day every day till I get home about 10pm. I need my holiday soon! that I'm so looking forward to even start packing! And of course, we're happy to get Candice and Bao to join us! *hopefully* But nevertheless, baybee and I are heading for the mountains in Aust for a week or two in June just to get away from this busy city overloaded work and the high level of stress. An escape route before I start my degree in July can't imagine the amount of work I have to manage! It's working weekdays for baybee and I now that sometimes we find ourselves so caught up with our own lives and lesser of each other's. But we try to work around each other scheldule's, especially baybee when she wakes up especially early just to sit on a six Mrt stop trains ride with me to work before heading off to work at Yio Chu Kang My silly darlin! that's why I often feed her when I cook these days which she often blames me for her 1 month lost tummy that she gained back and sad to say she only took a week to put them back all over again! I still lurve you baybee, just like the koala! If only, koala was allowed as a pet, I'll have 10 of them with a lil tree enclosure in my room! A wishful thinking! Baybee thinks I'm mad! First 6 dogs, next koala... what's next? My computer just signalled a lack of space in my hard disk which I need to upgrade soon due to my mp3s and photos Speaking of photos, I need to develop some for work, school and for a special something! Honestly, too many for me to start arranging in folders. I'm almost reaching about 50 folders and still counting. And let me tell you, within these folders have more folders! Can you imagine? Plus! mummy says 'clear your room!' which means, clearing my wardrobe which my mum calls it 'The mini Esprit store' and my bags that I need to sort! (It's good to have a sister that we can share our bags!) my desk that is so often filled with resource books and files my dressing table! I need more ikea boxes for my necklaces and earrings! throwing away old junk bank letters that I don't open! Come to think of it, I honestly don't have time to do so! thanks to internet banking Oh well, I'll wait for the deepavali holiday to do those! My coming Friday is booked for a drinking session at baybee's with the peeps. And while her daddy leaves for Aust on labour day, will be spending some quality time at home with her *think we need to clear your room too baybee!* And speaking of Aust, my bestie's leaving on Friday for her short trip! boo hoo!!! I'll miss you! *hugs* "Everything will be fine, just the way we want them to be cause we create happiness and sadness we control laughs and tears when we say everything will be okay it would be, cause it's all within our reach of control" I'm finally beginning to yawn better tug in soon the morning work awaits me to complete! I can't wait for my trip!
And so on a Saturday morning when the throat dies on you and the exhausted minds absorbs the energy you hardly could ever feel What do you do? Who last: 1. Slept in your bed? :: my pup puppy, dolphin, and piglet and me! 2. Saw you cry: :: can't remember... 3. Made you cry: :: the thought of my grandma 4. You shared a drink with: :: baybee and a coke on our lovey date today 5. You went to the movies with: :: baybee for 'the wild'. Awesome cartoon! 6. You went to the mall with: :: just with baybee 7. Yelled at you: :: baybee! for wanting to rub her swollen toe! 8. Sent you an email: :: My cousin! Have you ever: 1. Said: "i love you" and you meant it :: yes! 2. Gotten in a fight with your love: :: yes, once a while 3. Danced naked: :: after a shower when the music's grooving, or one of those 'nights' winks 4. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: :: yes, I'm famous for these kinda dreams 5. Had an imaginary friend: :: yesh! next to me! 6. Do you have a crush on someone: :: Shane from L word ever since season one! 7. What book are you reading now: :: trying to finish de vinci code 8. Worst feeling in the world: :: when you always thought you were in the wrong, but yet you find out someone's been lying and cheating behind your back. 9. Future son's name: :: kieran 10. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: :: yesh! 3 of them! 11.What's under your bed: :: my floor! 12. Where do you stay? :: Eastern side of Singapore 13. Do you take illegal drugs: :: Nope! 14. Do you drink? :: Yes. 15. What are you most scared of: :: thunders and lightings, driving on a heavy rainy day! 16. What clothes do you sleep in: :: singlets, shorts, old tees... 17. Who do you really hate: :: don't believe in really hating, dislike, annoyed, disgusted more likely. 18. Do you have a job? :: yes, and I'm loving it 19. Do you like being around people: :: yesh! 20. Your belief: :: What goes around comes around, be careful before it hits you STUFF: 1. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: :: Shane!? winks! sorry baybee you know I still lurve you! 2. Have you ever cried over something: :: who doesn't? 3. Want someone you don't have right now: :: I wanna snuggle with baybee.. sense of comfort is necessary at 12.15am! 4. Are you lonely right now? :: Not really, just that my throat's killing me 5. Songs that are stuck in your head a lot: :: baybee and my song( you and me by lifehouse'), don't cha by pussycatdolls, 'currently 'this old man' which I taught my kiddos for a week, have you ever seen the rain by CCR, the best i ever had by gary allan, collide by howie day, all i want by Toad The Wet Sprocket, not myself by john mayer and many many more! 6. Do you want to get married: :: yeah! 7. Do you want kids: :: of course! FAVORITE 1. Room in house: :: Bedroom 2. Music: :: Hear what my nano plays... 4. Band: :: countless! 5. Fastfood: :: BK IN THE LAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU... 1. Cried: :: no 2. Bought something: :: I paid for my rented dvds! 3. Gotten sick: :: soon soon... I feel the throat sore 4. Sang: :: currently yes while typing this 5. Met someone new: :: nope 6. Missed someone: :: my baybee My date with baybee was awesome
catch 'the wild' if you can another around of shopping tomorrow in town before meeting the gurlies we haven't seen in ages Weekdays never felt so tired for baybee and me wokring late, sleeping as soon as we head home weekends are precious so is the beauty sleep we often need I think I need my massage from my sex guru Shoo sore throat!
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Awaits the dawn sets a moody feeling
It's not far from seeing the sun yet Knowing that thousand years back one died for us it brings back emotional thoughts of missed loved ones In the midst of preparation for my sister's wedding she said a line that made a silence "if only she was here" My grandma, my love often spoken of, and often missed my mind's never stopped thinking and my heart's never stopped loving As a picture stood beside my bed, I remember the words she so often speak the smile, the touch and the laughter till this day, I cry when I think She was my loved one, she was my grandma How I truly miss her Edited: 12.30am Once again, I hate not sleeping!!!! Which I would force myself in few minutes knowing that baybee's picking me up in the morning for mass and a long day of shopping with her. While she needs to get more shirts for work, I'm awfully ashamed to realise only this morning that I have a whole full hangers of Esprit clothes! *bleh, some even with the tags* So, by preventing myself from over spending *which I know I could if I tried* I would only head straight to where I need to find and no browsing! I hate window shopping! My sydney trip is in 2 months, and besides the money saved already I shouldn't stop saving! But who am I kidding! Avril will shop! not too much, but JUST NICE! nights out!
I love....
I'm suffering from the lack of sleep symptoms which I can hardly bare at times Not because I want to, but my eyes can't seem to shut My plan of a good massage was postponed today but managed to iron baybee's clothes, cook dinner for baybee while she steals a nap. I'm spoiling my baybee before she gets busy at her new job and yesh, like what she always say "my belly's getting bigger cause you always feed me!" Well, payback when the times your mum fed me, honey! *winks* A short update of the pictures, and more coming... As Weilian sings along on the player, hopefully I get some sleep cause baybee's sending me to work before she heads for her work! Out and about..... I miss Pickles and gossips.... Did I mention? We laughed about you that day. Such amusement, it's such a pleasure to laugh and thank the maker that we're not you in anyway.
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For a loved one near my heart There are many times we find ourselves lost within our means When we often spoke of the happy times we never realized what lies behind those smiles Maybe we wasn't good enough or we didn't loved enough What could have been changed or done would we know till now? Maybe understanding wasn't a word to describe nor feel or trying to love aint enough to fill It's hard to stop yet it's hard to try Many might say time would heal and time would tell no one knows except deep in us. For some, running was an option, for another hurting But for those who's honesty was a virtue, we thank and keep. We often speak about what love was really is, what it meant or what it felt But when love failed, how do we start thinking what love is anymore. I once asked a friend ' what quarrels and fights in relationships meant?' A silence filled the answer. I replied: ' Quarrels and fights are part of relationships, it happened for a reason, not because anyone caused them. Quarrels are trails that we all go through, bad or very bad it test our ability to solve with our partners, it checks on our pride and trust, our capability in talking things out, and solving them and not forgetting them. But when talking things out aint even accomplished, break ups aint a running option, they aint solving anything in the first place. But to some others, breaking just means the time for building a relationship isn't right, or another isn't ready enough. The word is enough. So how ready are we? What is enough? Honestly, only we ourselves know and feel. I was once at my end, when I felt everything happened because of me I blamed myself with every physical hurt I could cause myself with. But who's got a better part of me, myself and people who loved me. God showed me the truth, the lies and dishonesty one made, and shameless side of some, and I thank him for it cause it has shown me the word 'enough' for there wasn't a need to blame myself but them. There's never a need for guilt treatments, what goes around comes around. As one bestie would say ' A leopard never change its spots' How true can that be when I wasn't the first for this honesty, I was only one of them who saw through such a person. And I'm out, never entering that road I was once accused of. But, what's better of that road, I know my conscience is clear and for others, their conscience wouldn't leave till the last breath. Within our conscience, we look deep and hard My dear friend, look deep and far where would this heart sleeps, cry and laugh where would this heart think, speak and feel People often say heart feels and the mind speaks, bring yourself up to speak your mind with your heart It's hard we would all know, but there's no harm trying Even if the heart points back to the old road, don't despair It pointed for a reason, it pointed for comfort. It doesn't mean we can't love another nor seek love with another they only tell us we need to be ready as an individual, as a person one to love with a wholesome heart, one to find love with a love on her own Stand when you're ready, seek when you find, love when you can We're all searching all over, for that perfect one But remember, readiness, fate and time play a part. As beautiful and patient your heart is, I know you'll find the right moment of love. There's never a heart like yours, even a dark cloud could never be compared. So my friend, as I type is, I hoping some strength of mine would bring those dark clouds away comfort your heart, would stand there with my care. From here, I end my words for you. You already did what you could, let fate and time take care of the rest. with love, Lala
And so I moved...
and happy would I be No affliation to another that no one wishes to hear about So passerbys, I'm glad how interested you are cause I'm not taking any chance in keeping you coming back for more in knowing so much And so, baybee and I had recapturing date like 8 months back except for the fact that we're both proud owners of the sleek samsung D820 and nokia 7610 for each of us We're loving the sleek design and of course the size of the phone. Have to upload those pictures taken by the phone soon! And so, baybee and I have dinner plans to cook at home tomorrow and maybe head for some drinks or two For a fwen whom I missed for the many fights you've been thru you're never alone cause people around you have been thru the same situation, sadness, insecurity and emotional well being find a way to talk, solve and accept each other and not try to change the one you love where only you think is for the better cause your partner is perfect the way she is that's why you love her in the first place *hugs* I'll see you soon babe... And so, Pickles has invited Lala to a shopping trip on Tue! which I'm in such denial to say no shopping till sydney yet, such a temptation to reject never could crossed my mind especially when esprit comes into the picture Yes baybee , I know you would sit by the side and laugh at two gurlies having such indulgence with our shopping bags! And so, 9 out of 10 people are laughing at you where you often think is so fine such maturity we see, in such a shameless way Maybe shameless suits your lifestyle cause you have proved your point we all understand what you trying to prove but... think again kiddos... you haven't seen the real thing you'll get your turn where the deal passes around don't you know? This aint the first time it happened. Oh... what a show, we all love to see... be careful before it hits you And so, Lala is happy watching the l word season 3 thanks for my dearie Chloe Did I ever mentioned how much I love her dog *pixz up soon!* xoxo Till then... *the L word indulgence continues*
+*In Perfect SiLence*+
+*In another Merryland*!+
+*HeLLo STrAngER*!+
+*New piX uploaDED*!+
Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..
+*Weren't they just memories?*!+